Message from Debbie Frisch of HelloBaby March 31, 2020


What are you grieving? What are you accepting? What are you celebrating?

I am grieving the temporary closing of our doors on Monday, March 16. I miss gathering with our HelloBaby family more than I can say. I am grieving the uncertainty, stress, danger, isolation and hardship of these times.

I am accepting that we are doing what is necessary to be safe.

I am celebrating that we continue to honor our commitment to our community. Some of the ways we are doing this are:

Paying staff salaries.
A vibrant social media presence – sharing craft/activity suggestions and social service resources.
Offering virtual programming through our partners Bubbles Academy/Whole Child Arts, Stages Performing Arts and Skip and Scoot.
Distributing food, crafts, books and diapers – from our curb respecting social distancing guidelines.
One on one virtual connection and support

When it is time to reopen, we are preparing to walk with our community to address and heal the traumas of this time.

I invite you to sit with your grief, search for acceptance, and seek moments of joy. I am praying deeply for our guests, our city, our world – and for each of you.

Debbie Frisch, Founder and Executive Director

