How do you smile at a baby from behind a face mask? April 28, 2020


Throughout my life, I’ve been blessed to love and be loved by the most amazing babies and children. How lucky was I as a foster mother to experience love at first sight over and over again?

I’ve learned a few things.

It’s a sacred dance between a baby and its primary caregiver. My job was to fully tune into a babes cues while gently coaxing them to where I thought they needed to be.

Babies have the most resilient spirits. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly a baby (who had perhaps experienced some trauma) would fully settle into care and explode into this joyful, content being. And, these babes weren’t just absorbing love, they were spreading it to others.

Babies are egocentric creatures. A baby’s impression of himself is formed by the reactions he receives from the world around him. When people in his orbit smile, reach out and show joy, he sees himself as worthy and deserving of that response. That’s why smiles are so important. And, let’s face it, what’s better than a baby smiling back at you?

So how do you smile at a baby from behind a face mask during these days of Covid19? I’m not sure, but I guarantee you I’m working hard to find out.

Our mission of keeping babies safe while providing them with the joyful stimulation they need to grow into healthy, happy, successful adults is more crucial than ever before.

Our leadership is meeting with experts to navigate this fine line. I can promise you this – we love your children as if they were our own. We are all in this together. And we can’t wait to be together again.


Debbie Frisch, Founder and Executive Director

600 E 61st Street
Chicago, IL 60637

P.S. Weekly give away day on the curb outside HelloBaby. Giveaways include essentials and something fun. Each Wednesday at 11 am. In the event of rain, check social media for the rescheduled dates. Please wear face masks and respect social distancing guidelines.

